Tag Archives: canovacci

Canovaccio in Commedia dell’Arte

If we go back to the heydays of Commedia dell’Arte the concept of canovaccio becomes more complicated. It was used both as a full scenario or just a plotline in a scenario. The word means “what’s on the canvas”. But … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte, Acting style | Comment Now

The scenario in Commedia dell’Arte (Part 2)

The scenes in a scenario changes as a new mask enters the stage, but not when a mask leaves the stage. Let’s call this Italian scene division in contrast to French scene division, where they change scenes in both entries … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte | 1 Comment

Commedia dell’Arte-lecture

What is Commedia dell’Arte  How did it arise? Why is it relevant to play an old Renaissance theatre today? What is the idea behind acting in a mask? How much was in fact improvisation in a performance and how much is … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in Micke's courses | 4 Comments