Tag Archives: improvisation


This is from a student show from the fall 2001, with students that later become “Teatropen”. Zan:                    Why are you lying here and litter? Pul:                     I am dead, Leave the flowers and buzz off! Zan:                    OK! Gives him Pantalone’s flower. … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte, Example texts | Comment Now

Stage strategies (Part 1)

Whether we believe in Commedia dell’Arte as in totally improvised genre or not, there is always an element of improvisation in it. As an actor one can only be in control of two other elements at the same time. One … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte | 3 Comments

Improvisation in Commedia dell’Arte (Part 3)

Much of the art in playing Commedia dell’Arte has to do with being constantly on the alert, always ready to jump in to the action or leave space for another mask. This does not just apply when we are on … Read the rest of this entry

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Improvisation in Commedia dell’Arte (Part 2)

When I work with Commedia dell’Arte I don’t let improvisation be the most important, even though it still is important. I do this for three reasons; Commedia dell’Arte is played from a plot, even though it is of less importance … Read the rest of this entry

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Improvisation in Commedia dell’Arte (Part 1)

How much in a Commedia dell’Arte show during the renaissance that was improvised is something we will never know. What we know is that a lot was written down: lazzi, burle, some monologues and dialogs, battute, concetti and we can … Read the rest of this entry

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