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Tag Archives: women in mask
The Lovers Tries to Meet
Here is a dialoge from ”Where´s the Book?” made in 2014.Flavio and Doralice are coming on the stage and trying to meet each other. I guess you can see this as much as an example of a short scene as … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte, Example texts
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Women in Commedia dell’Arte (Part 2)
There are a couple of ways to let women wear masks in Commedia dell’Arte even though it is not conventional. Many of the masks are more or less gender neutral, especially in a modern context, such as Arlecchino or Zanni. … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte, Mask theatre
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Women in Commedia dell’Arte (Part 1)
We have to start with admitting that Commedia dell’Arte was a very masculine form of theatre, at least if we see it from today’s perspective. It sprung out in a time when women, in the greater parts of Italy, just … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte, Mask theatre
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Goldoni and the end of an era (Part 1)
Let us use Goldoni to explain how Commedia dell’Arte died out in the middle of the eighteenth century, with the background we already discussed here in mind. Not that we really can accuse Goldoni for being the killer of Commedia … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte
Desiosi (The Desired) 1581 – 1603
They are first heard of in Pisa 1581.One of the reasons webring up Desiosi is that they were led by a woman, Diana Ponti, and were often called “Dianas Troup”. She was much celebrated and often the main attraction. Diana … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte
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Commedia dell’Arte troupes in comparison with the Elizabethan theatre
Even though the Commedia dell’Arte actors were professional they could not live on their art itself. They had to find other ways were they could use their craft to survive, just like many struggling theatre groups today. While the successful … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte
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Accesi (the Lightened) 1590 – 1628
Accisi had probably existed for a while when we first hear about them in 1590, when they get a permit to play in Brescia.As early as 1583 Pier Maria Cecchini says that he played for Alfonso II d’Este, the Duke … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte
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To play mask

The mask demands in itself vast energy. If the actor doesn’t “fill” the mask it doesn’t come to life. Everyone who has seen an actor act in a mask without the energy it demands, with movements just like ordinary life, … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in Mask theatre
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Western bias of the mask
In the west we tend to think about the mask as something to hide behind, as if it were a tool to hide emotions, intentions or reactions. Nothing can be more wrong. The masks always tell the truth – it … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in Mask theatre
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What is a mask?
A mask can be anything from a small clown nose to giant heads to be worn on big gantries. It can sometimes be hard to tell the difference between masks and puppets, make-up, costume, even props. I would define a … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in Mask theatre