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Tag Archives: jesters
Carnival and the popular feast (Part 2)
The carnival can be derived from ancient Rome and the Saturnalia. It was celebrated in Rome between 17 and 23 of December, up until the 5th century, to the glory of Saturn, the God. The coming golden age ruled by … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in 2 Vulgar Comedy
Carnival and the popular feast (Part 1)
As we have seen in Charlatano and the square in Commedia dell’Arte the market square and the life in the streets were a form of refuge from the hard everyday life and the oppression of the state and the church. … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in 2 Vulgar Comedy
The language of the marketplace
A street vendor starts to call out his products in the square. The peddler in the booth beside him starts to yell out his products even louder in order to be heard and get anything sold. It works well. A … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in 2 Vulgar Comedy
The roots to all western popular comedy
I see Commedia dell’Arte as the roots to all western popular comedy. There are naturally roots to Commedia dell’Arte as well, but if we see it as the first professional form of theatre in Europe and if we consider that … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte, 2 Vulgar Comedy
The Stage
Traditionally a Commedia dell’Arte stage was used to be a banco, made of wood, about two meters tall and not much bigger than a horse driven cart, about 3 x 4 meters. It usually had a simple backdrop and where … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte
Acrobatics as a discipline in Commedia dell’Arte
Acrobatics and slapstick (together with the music) may be the most used discipline in Commedia dell’Arte. They work with symmetries, physical turns or physically exaggerated reactions or positions. Acrobatics is a way to stylize and it is used, just as … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in Disciplines
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Music as a discipline in Commedia dell’Arte
The music is off course the most central of all disciplines in Commedia dell’Arte. It is there to heighten the performance and it helps up the atmosphere of feast that is so characteristic in Commedia dell’Arte. I the very first … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in Disciplines
Improvisation in Commedia dell’Arte (Part 2)
When I work with Commedia dell’Arte I don’t let improvisation be the most important, even though it still is important. I do this for three reasons; Commedia dell’Arte is played from a plot, even though it is of less importance … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in Acting style
Commercialism in Commedia dell’Arte (Part 2)
The classical way is to wait until the hat is full before the show starts. The advantage with this way is that once “the hat is full” the actors don’t have to think about it and can concentrate on the … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte, Acting style
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Commercialism in Commedia dell’Arte (Part 1)
Commedia dell’Arte is commercial by nature. One of the earliest names on Commedia dell’Arte was Commedia Merceraria (One of the many early names it has). The troupes played it in order to make money as any profession would. Commedia dell’Arte … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte, Acting style