Tag Archives: Kompani

The Lovers Tries to Meet

Here is a dialoge from  ”Where´s the Book?” made in 2014.Flavio and Doralice are coming on the stage and trying to meet each other. I guess you can see this as much as an example of a short scene as … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte, Example texts | Comment Now

Uniti (the Cohesive) and Fedeli (the Devoted)

Uniti 1578 – 1640 The first time we hear of the Uniti (who are also called “His Excellence the Duke of Mantua’s troupe) is in 1578 when they play in Ferrara.1583 they have either some kind of collaboration with Confidenti … Read the rest of this entry

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Accesi (the Lightened) 1590 – 1628

Accisi had probably existed for a while when we first hear about them in 1590, when they get a permit to play in Brescia.As early as 1583 Pier Maria Cecchini says that he played for Alfonso II d’Este, the Duke … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte | 1 Comment