Tag Archives: Pantalone


This is from a student show from the fall 2001, with students that later become “Teatropen”. Zan:                    Why are you lying here and litter? Pul:                     I am dead, Leave the flowers and buzz off! Zan:                    OK! Gives him Pantalone’s flower. … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte, Example texts | Comment Now

Pantalone and Dottore makes a deal

Here is a scene From ”Where is the Book” opened in 2014 in Stockholm, then toured Finland and the north of Sweden. It was decided that Pantalones son Flavio should marry Doralice, but then Pantalone laid his own eyes on … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte, Example texts | Comment Now

Brighella gets paid

This example comes from ”Where´s the Book?” from 2014.Dottore is looking for his book that he needs to remember how to marry his daughter with Pantalone. When Brighella comes by he asks for help… Dott:          …and not here either. Brighella … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte, Example texts | Comment Now

Pantalone demands to sit down

Here is an example from ”Sex/six failures and a chair” played by my students in 2014. Pant:                  In But look… Hi once again! Are you still sitting here staring? Don’t you have any homes? And isn’t this that lazy bastard … Read the rest of this entry

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A tribute to life

“It [Commedia dell’Arte] owed everything to the actor, very little to drama or literature. It trained its own players, created its own conditions, travelled with its own costumes and properties, sometimes with portable stage.”                        From “The Theatre – a Concise … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte, 2 Vulgar Comedy | Comment Now

Commedia dell’Arte – the Name

The term Commedia dell’Arte was not used during the renaissance. It was used for the first time, the way we do today, in the eighteen century by Luigi Riccoboni in his book Histoire du Theatre Italien from 1728. At that … Read the rest of this entry

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The end of the heydays of Commedia dell’Arte (Part 3)

There are lots of descriptions about how Commedia dell’Arte degenerated even though many are of the type: “everything has changed to worse”. We can see here how the aging Francesco Gabrielli, who had led a good life as actor in … Read the rest of this entry

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Here is a video of ”Kalabalik” the student show in Commedia dell’Arte from the spring of 2021 that I directed. (I am sorry for the bad fitting to the frame) See also:Det allra löjligaste (The Most Ridiculous)Sex fiaskon och in … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in 2 Vulgar Comedy | 1 Comment

The theatre spaces in the heydays of Commedia dell’Arte

People went to the theatre of quite other reasons, socially and culturally, all the way up to the nineteenth century. First of all: the lights were not turned down in the auditorium. It was first in the middle of the … Read the rest of this entry

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Uniti (the Cohesive) and Fedeli (the Devoted)

Uniti 1578 – 1640 The first time we hear of the Uniti (who are also called “His Excellence the Duke of Mantua’s troupe) is in 1578 when they play in Ferrara.1583 they have either some kind of collaboration with Confidenti … Read the rest of this entry

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