Category Archives: 2 Vulgar Comedy

Theories of Laughter and Comedy – Part 1

Lots of people have tried to write the theory behind laughter or explain what it is that makes us laugh. No one has succeeded. I will try to list and explain a few of them here under. We have already … Read the rest of this entry

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Direct comedy in Vulgar Comedy

One of the most significant features of Vulgar Comedy is that it is played straight-in-your-face. Whether it is clowning, farce or standup comedy it is the kind of comedy that split sides, or at least it’s supposed to be. There … Read the rest of this entry

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Memento mori vs. oblivio mori

We can say that the goal for tragedy and the official theatre, in extension, is “memento mori” (remember your mortality). I am not talking about Hamlet waving Yorick’s skull or Ebenezer Scrooge facing the future after his death as in … Read the rest of this entry

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Humor, on the other hand, is distance or the ability to see things from a distance. It opens up other and new angles to see a situation. It also invites us to see things from two or more perspectives at … Read the rest of this entry

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First of all laughter is the actual bodily expression of joy, comedy and humor. It is what it all strive for. Laughter is the bodily expression of nervousness, confusion, embarrassment or tickling as well, but that is not our concern. … Read the rest of this entry

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Comedy is a sort of humor since it also has to do with looking at things from a distance. Comedy is in many ways a rather cruel amusement. Most of the time we tend to laugh at people that are … Read the rest of this entry

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Ambivalence in Vulgar Comedy

The power has always wanted stagnant values in comedy or in art as a whole. It promotes static hierarchies, eternal truths and strict morals in order to preserve its view of the world. It is a view where every change … Read the rest of this entry

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Psychology in Vulgar Comedy

There is not much psychology in Vulgar Comedy. Psychology in theatre is much related to literary theatre. Since Vulgar Comedy has its roots in rituals and oral storytelling – which is too atavistic to give room for psychology – it … Read the rest of this entry

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Nonliterary storytelling in Vulgar Comedy

Theatre started from the need and the lust of telling stories (See HERE). Maybe even before our language was fully developed (See more HERE). We can anyway be sure that theatre was played long before we started to write and … Read the rest of this entry

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Physical Theatre in Vulgar Comedy

It is not just because Vulgar Comedy originally played for an audience that could not read that most of it is based on a physical, visual theatre. It has more to do about effectiveness in the storytelling. Just like in … Read the rest of this entry

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