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No 4:th wall in Commedia dell’Arte (Part 2)

One convention in Commedia dell’Arte is to take of the mask in the middle of the play explaining that a mistake has been made and he will now be repeating the gag or trick or blaming the director/author when a … Read the rest of this entry

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No 4:th wall in Commedia dell’Arte (Part 1)

In most theatre today there is an idea that the audience is supposed to sit down passively and don’t disturb the performance. We shut down the light in the house, demand total silence of the audience and then act like … Read the rest of this entry

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Sound and sound effects

Commedia dell’Arte can very well be played without words, but never without sound, not even for a short moment. That is because it is street theatre. Sound has the ability to draw attention to it. I usually do an experiment … Read the rest of this entry

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Tempo or rhythm

Commedia dell’Arte is always fast, it is always moving forward and there are no dead moments in it. Except from the fact that it is comedy and it requires a comedy tempo, it is a consequence of that it is … Read the rest of this entry

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Size and visual narrating

It’s important to be seen when playing on the street. Therefore we must be big and distinct in movement. We must always make sure that we communicate on such a large distance that we, not only attract audiences to come … Read the rest of this entry

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Grotesque as an acting style in Commedia dell’Arte

The acting style in Commedia dell’Arte is very crude and rough, especially in early Commedia dell’Arte. The masks can be tremendously grotesque; the plots plain vulgar; situations – burlesque. Over time Commedia dell’Arte got more refined, soon it had become … Read the rest of this entry

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Distance as acting style in Commedia dell’Arte

Commedia dell’Arte is always played with a sense of distance. It comes from the stylizing of the mask, the size of play, the use of mask, loose phalluses and other deformities of the body, the actor’s energy and the simplicity … Read the rest of this entry

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What we really know about Commedia dell’Arte (Part 2)

Except from the fact that almost all that is written about Commedia dell’Arte from the renaissance is either from what is played in the castles and palaces for nobles and the learned or it is written by priests who had … Read the rest of this entry

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What we really know about Commedia dell’Arte (Part 1)

No one can say what a Commedia dell’Arte show really looked like in the renaissance. Neither do we know about the relations between the actors and the rest of the population or what is myth and what is true in … Read the rest of this entry

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2015 – En Herrgårdssägen (The Tale of a Manor)

We opened the play in 17 April 2015, as a final production for Kulturama’s second year students in Physical Theatre that year. The performance played for three shows at Kulturama in Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm, and then it toured Trondheim and … Read the rest of this entry

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