Tag Archives: theatre teacher

Arlecchino and Zanni gets a job

From”The Miracle Doctor” opened in 2101 in Stockholm, then toured northern Norway and Sweden. Arl:                        In Oh, I am so hungry I could eat a horse. Zan:                       In Oh, I am so hungry I could eat a donkey. Arl:                         … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte, Example texts | Comment Now

Dottore and Signora marrying away their daughter

Here is an example from ”Where´s the Book?” from 2014. Sign:          In, singing. Dott:          Signora, my most adorable honey-pie! Welcome up on the stage, my little crumb of cake. Sign:          Hi to you, slouch. Dott:          I have talked to Pantalone … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte, Example texts | Comment Now

Goldoni and the end of an era (Part 2)

When Goldoni did replace the Commedia dell’Arte actor’s improvisations and whims with a ready written text he did not just kill the life in the words that came in the encounter with the audience, ha also changes Commedia dell’Arte into … Read the rest of this entry

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A tribute to life

“It [Commedia dell’Arte] owed everything to the actor, very little to drama or literature. It trained its own players, created its own conditions, travelled with its own costumes and properties, sometimes with portable stage.”                        From “The Theatre – a Concise … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte, 2 Vulgar Comedy | Comment Now

Goldoni and the end of an era (Part 3)

During the end of the eighteenth century, when the bourgeois comedy had been well established and taken over the theatre scene, Commedia dell’Arte and the vulgar laughter started to be looked at as something quaint and exotic. As new middle-class … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte, 2 Vulgar Comedy | 1 Comment

The end of the heydays of Commedia dell’Arte (Part 1)

“Acuity and rationalism does not thrive together with lush and warming jocularity, the humor of rationalism easily becomes merciless satire, as in Voltair for example.”                             Harry Järv, in the pretext to The Very Horrific Life of Great Gargantua It is often … Read the rest of this entry

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Desiosi (The Desired) 1581 – 1603

They are first heard of in Pisa 1581.One of the reasons webring up Desiosi is that they were led by a woman, Diana Ponti, and were often called “Dianas Troup”. She was much celebrated and often the main attraction. Diana … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte | Comment Now


Here is a video of ”Kalabalik” the student show in Commedia dell’Arte from the spring of 2021 that I directed. (I am sorry for the bad fitting to the frame) See also:Det allra löjligaste (The Most Ridiculous)Sex fiaskon och in … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in 2 Vulgar Comedy | 1 Comment

The wealthy and lucky Commedia dell’Arte groups

Those lucky Commedia dell’Arte troupes that could play in the salons of castles and palaces had their benefactors, usually a duke or a nobleman over a province. For those actors who were educated it was also relatively easy to find … Read the rest of this entry

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The church censoring Commedia dell’Arte ( 1 of 2)

It was not easy for Commedia dell’Arte groups to make fun of religion and the church during the latter part of the sixteenth century, after the Council of Trent 1545 – 1563. It was a lot easier during the middle … Read the rest of this entry

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