Tag Archives: blog

Stanislavsky’s system v/s Vulgar Comedy

We have to remember that Stanislavsky was a rich factory owner how did not need to make a living from his theatre. He was from the Russian upper classes who despised Vulgar Comedy. So we can count on that he … Read the rest of this entry

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Touring with students

At the moment I am out touring the latest show with Kulturama’s physical theatre class. They playing Gudomliga Ord (Divine Words) by Don Ramon Maria Valle-Inclan. We have just come back to Sweden from Norway where we played at Ringerike … Read the rest of this entry

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More Commedia dell’Arte with opera students

Here is a little more about Opera and Commedia dell’Arte after THIS: It is always a pleasure to work with opera singers when working with Commedia dell’Arte or just when working with theatre in general. I think it has to do with … Read the rest of this entry

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Accident at the opening and guardian angel

So after rehearsing Gudomliga Ord (Divine Words) with my students for weeks, our opening got canceled. One of the actors suddenly got terrible stomach pains about one hour before the opening and she had to leave the theatre in an … Read the rest of this entry

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Commedia dell’Arte with opera students

I have been teaching Commedia dell’Arte at Stockholm Operastudio. Working with opera students always gives me a certain good feeling, especially when working with Commedia dell’Arte. This time they were just about going into a period of Opera Buffa after … Read the rest of this entry

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Last rehearsal before the break

So today we are done with the last rehearsal of Gudomliga Ord (Divine Words) before the spring break. Next rehearsal week will be the last rehearsal week before the opening. Among eight actors two where ill with fever and the rest where … Read the rest of this entry

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Theories of Laughter and Comedy – Part 2

Here are more theories as a continuing of PART 1. The magnanimous laughter has much to do with what I mean when I speak of humor as opposed to comedy (See HERE). It is a way to let “thing be where … Read the rest of this entry

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The first thought

So this is the part of the blog that is more like a normal blog, with more of a day-to-day-info. You know, telling you all about what is happening in my life. And it is not planned have anything to … Read the rest of this entry

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Theories of Laughter and Comedy – Part 1

Lots of people have tried to write the theory behind laughter or explain what it is that makes us laugh. No one has succeeded. I will try to list and explain a few of them here under. We have already … Read the rest of this entry

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Direct comedy in Vulgar Comedy

One of the most significant features of Vulgar Comedy is that it is played straight-in-your-face. Whether it is clowning, farce or standup comedy it is the kind of comedy that split sides, or at least it’s supposed to be. There … Read the rest of this entry

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