Tag Archives: theatre network

Gelosi (the Zealous Ones) 1568 – 1604

Gelosi was the most famous of the Commedia dell’Arte companies of the time, the superstars of their time. They had a crest, a Janus head, and a motto: Virtù, fama ed honor ne fèr gelosi (Virtue, fame and honor made … Read the rest of this entry

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A list of actors from the heydays of Commedia dell’Arte

What we will be looking at are the actors from the most famous Commedia dell’Arte groups of its time. It is also those actors we have most and most interesting information about. Let us not believe that they are representative … Read the rest of this entry

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A Servetta’s prolog

Here is a prolog by a Servetta from Domenico Brunis, from 1621, in my translation from Swedish. This might be one of the most used prologs today. It is one of the few saved prologs that are dramatic and can … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte, Example texts | 1 Comment

Commedia dell’Arte today has a very modern network (the Royal Dramatic Theatre-speech part 3)

It may be the most computerized form of theatre over all.  LISTEN UP! Commedia dell’Arte has never been a specific Italian concern. On the contrary one of the reasons that we know Commedia dell’Arte so well today can very well … Read the rest of this entry

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