Tag Archives: Mikhail Bakhtin

Vulgar Comedy and the Church (Part 4 – the Diavolas)

The Corpus Christi was celebrated with carnival festivities, comical rites and dramatic performances. It was not just the performance it was just as much the feast itself. In the long run people got tired of long serious plays. They wanted … Read the rest of this entry

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Theories of Laughter and Comedy – Part 2

Here are more theories as a continuing of PART 1. The magnanimous laughter has much to do with what I mean when I speak of humor as opposed to comedy (See HERE). It is a way to let “thing be where … Read the rest of this entry

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Theories of Laughter and Comedy – Part 1

Lots of people have tried to write the theory behind laughter or explain what it is that makes us laugh. No one has succeeded. I will try to list and explain a few of them here under. We have already … Read the rest of this entry

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Low Comedy in Vulgar Comedy (Part 1)

Well, just as the name Vulgar Comedy indicates it is also vulgar, in both senses, obscene or crude and popular. That it is also called low has to do with the fact that the Church and the elite has always … Read the rest of this entry

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Low Comedy in Vulgar Comedy (Part 2)

But except from that about “the material-bodily lower” (See PART 1), Mikhail Bakhtin also states that common people at the time neither trusted seriousness nor people who were serious. They were a threat since the only ones that benefited from … Read the rest of this entry

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