Category Archives: 2 Vulgar Comedy

Charlatano and the square in Commedia dell’Arte (Part 1)

In the marketplace, that had its own popular, unofficial laws impregnated by an atmosphere of freedom from severity; where yelling peddlers, the Cris de Paris and merry citizens “entertained the public in loud swearing duels, rhythmic chants, organized festive performances … Read the rest of this entry

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The language of the marketplace

A street vendor starts to call out his products in the square. The peddler in the booth beside him starts to yell out his products even louder in order to be heard and get anything sold. It works well. A … Read the rest of this entry

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The onomatopoetic, language mimicking, voice illustrating, sound that Dario Fo calls Grammelot was born in France when the Commedia dell’Arte actors where antagonized by the church in Italy during the counterreformation. They turned to Europe instead, but not only to … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte, 2 Vulgar Comedy, Acting style | 1 Comment

The roots to all western popular comedy

I see Commedia dell’Arte as the roots to all western popular comedy. There are naturally roots to Commedia dell’Arte as well, but if we see it as the first professional form of theatre in Europe and if we consider that … Read the rest of this entry

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Stage strategies (Part 2)

The second group of strategies he call dividing the stage: Windows are the easiest way to divide the stage. By using windows on the backdrop (as talked about in THE STAGE), where a mask can look out, we work on … Read the rest of this entry

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Bellman – a Swedish national poet

When talking about Vulgar Comedy I must, as a Swede, mention our national poet, the eighteen century poet: Carl Michael Bellman. He wrote much more than Vulgar Comedy, such as elegies and pastorals, but it is the Vulgar Comedy he … Read the rest of this entry

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The Official Theatre

When talking so much about Vulgar Comedy I must define my view on the opposite, the Official Theatre, as well. It will be extremely shortened and generalized, since the amount and variations in genres are almost as great is in … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in 2 Vulgar Comedy, 5 Thoughts on Theatre | 1 Comment

A definition of theatre

As a springboard I will use Grotowski´s definition of theatre which asks the question: what is the least we need have to make theatre? His answer is an actor and one person watching. I would ad: some sort of action. … Read the rest of this entry

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Stanislavsky’s system v/s Vulgar Comedy

We have to remember that Stanislavsky was a rich factory owner how did not need to make a living from his theatre. He was from the Russian upper classes who despised Vulgar Comedy. So we can count on that he … Read the rest of this entry

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Theories of Laughter and Comedy – Part 2

Here are more theories as a continuing of PART 1. The magnanimous laughter has much to do with what I mean when I speak of humor as opposed to comedy (See HERE). It is a way to let “thing be where … Read the rest of this entry

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