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Tag Archives: renaissance
The end of the heydays of Commedia dell’Arte (Part 2)
The other main reason to the decline of Commedia dell’Arte – the degeneration of the actors and art of Commedia dell’Arte – is that Commedia dell’Arte got stuck in its form and became static.As Commedia dell’Arte became more and more … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte
The wealthy and lucky Commedia dell’Arte groups
Those lucky Commedia dell’Arte troupes that could play in the salons of castles and palaces had their benefactors, usually a duke or a nobleman over a province. For those actors who were educated it was also relatively easy to find … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte
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Accesi (the Lightened) 1590 – 1628
Accisi had probably existed for a while when we first hear about them in 1590, when they get a permit to play in Brescia.As early as 1583 Pier Maria Cecchini says that he played for Alfonso II d’Este, the Duke … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte
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A list of actors from the heydays of Commedia dell’Arte
What we will be looking at are the actors from the most famous Commedia dell’Arte groups of its time. It is also those actors we have most and most interesting information about. Let us not believe that they are representative … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte
Commedia Erudita – The academies and other groups (Part 2)
During the renaissance the first literary academies were born. They were – and still is – arranged in democratic order. When women were parts of the academies they were equal members. Isabella Andreini was a member of Accademia degli Intenti … Read the rest of this entry
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Commedia Erudita (part 1)
As we know the word renaissance comes from French (and the historian and author Jules Michelets in 1855) and means rebirth, referring to principles from ancient Greece and Rome. That goes for the theatre as well, as an important part … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte
The church censoring Commedia dell’Arte (2 of 2)
The defense of Commedia dell’Arte was foremost the idea that it was an edifying source of moral learning both social and on a personal level, instead of attracting to sin. It exposed the folly, the gluttony, the excesses, the hypocrites … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in 1 Commedia dell'Arte
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Western bias of the mask
In the west we tend to think about the mask as something to hide behind, as if it were a tool to hide emotions, intentions or reactions. Nothing can be more wrong. The masks always tell the truth – it … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in Mask theatre
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Vulgar Comedy and the Church (Part 4 – the Diavolas)
The Corpus Christi was celebrated with carnival festivities, comical rites and dramatic performances. It was not just the performance it was just as much the feast itself. In the long run people got tired of long serious plays. They wanted … Read the rest of this entry
Filed in 2 Vulgar Comedy